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Motorbike adventure May 2015 day 3

nederlandsSaturday, May 16th:

The 3rd day the distination was Vaujany, a small village near the Alpe d’Huez.
Our plan was, if we like to step on the motorbike that night, to climb the Alpe d’Huez  after we checked in in our chalet, so we could skip that part the next day.

The route today lead us through Switzerland, along the lake of Geneva, along the lake of Annecy (France) and the lake of Verney. Unfortunately we had to take the longer route, via Glenoble because the valley of the Glandon in the French Alps was closed because of the snow.

Yesterday’s bad weather soon was forgotten. The environment was getting more beautiful and rockier.
Motor mei 2015 dag 3 - 038

Also the mountains became higher with snow on top. Very nice!

At lunchtime we stopped at a touristic town called Annecy at the lake of Annecy. There we enjoyed a very nice meal…
Motor mei 2015 dag 3 - 055

The trip ended at Chalet La Maitreya near the Alpe d’Huez, where we were warmly welcomed by the Dutch host and hostess.

After we brought the lugguage to the room, we decided to ride the Alpe d’Huez. A real challenge for the motorcycle enthusiast…

After the ride we went for something to eat. Also here was a restaurant that didn’t like customers, but a little further we were welcome.
Back at the chalet we enjoyed the company of the host, guests and neighbours in the garden.

The planned route:

Distance: 431 km
Expected driving time: 6:15u
Lowest point: 209 m
Highest point: 1061 m

Altitude profile day 3


Today’s data:

09:26 Left from Montbeliard
10:51 – 11:10 Photo stop along river Le Doubs
11:30 – 11:40 Refuel at Pontarlier
11:59 Border crossing Switzerland
12:57 Border crossing France
13:29 – 14:33 Lunch at Annecy
15:35 – 15:43 Stopped at gasstation at Frontenex (we couldn’t refuel there)
15:46 – 16:02 Refuel and photo stop at Tournon
16:42 Tollbooth A41
17:36 – 17:48 Photo stop at Lac du Verney
17:55 Arrival at Chalet La Maitreya

Tour Alp d’Huez (anticlockwise):

Distance: 56 km
Expected driving time: 1:06u
Lowest point: 710 m
Highest point: 1851 m

Altitude profile tour Alpe d’Huez

Motor mei 2015 dag 3 - 138


Unfortunately, the video camera was a bit moist from the day before, so some pictures are a bit hazy.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Alpe d’Huez – part 1

Alpe d’Huez – part 2

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