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Motorbike adventure May 2015 day 5

nederlandsMonday, May 18th:

The 5th day we went along the coast of the Mediterranean to Italy. We reached the coast at Saint-Tropez, where we could marvel at the wealth of some people.
Problems, which we normally not have to deal with, such as extend an hydraulic gangway of a huge ship, mounting the poles with the ropes and without the availability of a manual.
Three man are capable of being busy for more then 15 minutes with the case…
Nice to see tropical fishes swimming in the harbour.

At the coast we stopped at Le Polynesia Beach, a not so crowdy beachhouse. Time for luch and of course a swim in the Mediterranean.

In Monaco we had planned to go along the palace, but all roads to the palace were closed.
Soon there would be a race on the ciruit, so everywhere were big trucks parked.
There for there was a big traffic jam and seeking through the traffic we were pulled over by the police. No problem, guys. I only have to check your papers.
Ok, mr. policeman. Could you show us the fastest way out of here? That way…thanks!

After leaving crowdy Monaco, we went to the north. To cross the Italian border, we had to go through a narrow tunnel. And when a traffic light goes orange, of course you decently stop.
And then you see the sign with the time you have to wait… 26 minutes. And the you have to wait, but it became cozier with all that waiting people.

After the tunnel it was not far to the hotel in Limone Piemonte. We were warmly welcomed at  Albergo Panice by an elderly couple. The language they understood was Italian and France. We don’t speak one of the languages, but we nevertheless got a very nice diner and we could look back to a enervating day.

The planned route:

Distance: 322 km
Expected driving time: 5:40u
Lowest point: 0 m
Highest point: 1260 m

Altitude profile day 5
Today’s data:

09:08 Left from hotel Vieil Amandier
10:06 – 10:18 Refuel at Pont d’Argens
11:12 – 11:41 Stopped at Saint Tropez
12:27 – 13:25 Lunch and swim at Le Polynesia Beach
14:33 Tollbooth A8
14:45 Tollbooth A8
14:58 Tollbooth exit Monaco
15:33 – 15:44 Paper check by police Monaco
16:11 – 16:18 Refuel
16:55 – 17:12 Stopped along the road
17:54 – 18:15 Waited for tunnel
18:22 Arrival at hotel Albergo Panice


To the Mediterranean part 1

To the Mediterranean part 2

To the Mediterranean part 3

Heavy traffic from Saint Tropez

Along the coast at Sainte Maxime

Along the coast from St. Raphaël to Cannes


After Monaco to Italy

Last part to Italy

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